In 2023, the Dutch Catalysis Society (sectie Katalyse of the KNCV) will again award the KNCV-DCS Thesis Award to a talented young researcher. The award will be presented during the 24th NCCC conference taking place in the Leeuwenhorst from March 6th to 8th, 2023.
The nomination requirements for this award are:
- The candidate has succesfully defended his/her PhD thesis at a Dutch or Flemish university during the perioid 1/1/2021 – 31/12/2022.
- The research of the thesis (of course) has to deal with catalysis related research.
- The nomination has to be accompanied by an electronic version of the thesis.
- The nomination has to be accompanied by a complete and updated publication list of the candidate (incl. manuscripts ‘in preparation’, ‘submitted’, ‘accepted’, ‘in press’, etc.)
- Each group leader can nominate a maximum of only one candidate (i.e. the group leader pre-selects and only nominates his/her best candidate)
- The nomination deadline is December 16, 2022. Nomination package to be send electronically (as PDF) to
The award consists of a certificate as well as 1250 Euros. The committee of the DCS Thesis Award 2023 will consist of industrial as well as academic experts (names to be determined as they depend on the received nominations).
For questions and/or more information, please contact
KNCV/DCS Thesis Award 2023
Dr. Ir. Hirsa Torres Galvis
Secretaris Dutch Catalysis Society
Albemarle Catalysts Company BV